2014-2015 Quest for Gold – Draft List of Ontario Card Nominations Announced !

 2014-2015 Quest for Gold – Ontario Athlete Assistance Program

Draft List of Ontario Card Nominations Announced!

Icon for posting QFG Selection Criteria on PSOMSO website

Gymnastics Ontario is pleased to announce a draft list of athletes and alternates who have been nominated for Ontario Cards under the 2014-2015 Quest for Gold – Ontario Athlete Assistance Program (OAAP). The athletes nominated were selected using the sport specific selection criteria developed by Gymnastics Ontario, approved by its Board of Directors and applied by (the) Selection Committee.

First NameLast NameM/FClubDisciplineAlternate (Y/N)
AnthonyTawfikMFutures GymnasticsMAGN
SamZakutneyMNational CapitalMAGN
JustinKarstadtMFutures GymnasticsMAGN
EthanChinMFutures GymnasticsMAGN
JadeChrobokFGemini GymnasticsWAGN
NikaTakagiFShenderey Gymnastics InstituteWAGN
LindsayChiaFRose City GymnasticsWAGN
RachelTamFSkyriders TrampolineTRAN
DomenicaCironeFSkyriders TrampolineTRAN
KieranWheatleyFSkyriders TrampolineTRAN
KeevinMadiganMSkyriders TrampolineTRAN
JamesWarrenMVertical Zone TrampolineTRAN
EcaterinaCozmaFJusco Rhythmic GymnasticsRGN
KatherineUchidaFJusco Rhythmic GymnasticsRGN
JonathonScripnickMFutures GymnasticsMAGY
EmmaMilneFShenderey Gymnastics InstituteWAGY
AlisonLangFSkyriders TrampolineTRAY
NathanShuhMAirborne Trampoline KWTRAY
AthenaTsaltasFSalut Rhythmic GymnasticsRGY

Please note that this list is unofficial and is subject to change pending the outcome of any appeals and/or any re-selection decisions made by the PSO/MSO Selection Committee or the Quest for Gold Appeals Committee. As a consequence, this list should not be seen as final.

Athletes who have not been nominated and who wish to appeal this decision can do so by following the process set out in the Selection Criteria document.

Posted in Front Page Slider, Home Page Panes, MAG News, Member Clubs, Quest for Gold, RG News, TRA News, WAG News