True Sport Club Award

Deadline for Submission:  Friday, May 3, 2024

Purpose & Dedication:

The True Sport Club award has been set up to recognize those clubs who have chosen to follow the shared values and principles of True Sport.  The recipient of this club award must demonstration a commitment to the values of excellence, awareness, inclusion, and fun throughout all levels of gymnastics, from preschool to elite.


Eligibility Criteria

  • The recipient club must be a member in good standing of Gymnastics Ontario
  • The recipient club must show a commitment to the seven (7) True Sport principles by members of the club
  • The recipient club must demonstrate this commitment on how the organization through their leadership, which may include any of the coaches, parents, administrator, and owner/board of directors, embodies the seven (7) principles of True Sport

Submission Details:

Nominations should be accompanied by two independent references attesting to the worthiness of the club, and any other documentation deemed relevant to demonstrate the club’s commitment to the values of excellence, awareness, inclusion, and fun throughout all levels of gymnastics.  The importance of this award should be kept in mind, and as much relevant information as possible should be submitted.

True Sport Principles

  • Go For It – Rise to the challenge – always strive for excellence.  Be persistent and discover how good you can be
  • Play Fair – Understand, respect, and follow the rules.  Play with integrity – competition is only meaningful when it is fair
  • Respect Others – Show respect for everyone involved in creating your sporting experience, both on and off the field of play.  Win with dignity and lose with grace
  • Keep It Fun – Find the joy in sport and share it with others.  Remember what you love about sport and why you play
  • Stay Healthy – Always respect and care for your mind and body.  Advocate for the health and safety of yourself and those around you
  • Include Everyone – Recognize and celebrate strength in diversity.  Invite and welcome others into sport
  • Give Back – Say thanks and show gratitude.  Encourage your sport group to make a difference in the community

Click Here for Nomination Form 


True Sport Club Award Hall of Honor

2024 Kawartha Gymnastics