Clarifications – January 26, 2015

Make sure that you have current sets of rules fom the GO website   Print Tech Regs and GO Code of Points Level 5-7
The US has made some minor changes as of January 2015 as follows:
a)  L7 WP – Elements 1a and 4b have added the option of the top being in a tuck position for these elements

b)  For L5, L6, L7 requirements, the maximum length of the exercise has been clairfied (but note that this is not a rule change as it was already in “Rules for the Acrobatic Gymnastics Competitive Program” section at the end of the GO document,  section 1.2)   In the requirements sections for each level, the maximum Length of Exercise has been changed to read:
There is a .1 per second, max .3 CJP deduction for music overtime limit. There is a deduction of .3 if the exercise goes past the music time.
c )L6 and L7 – They have added specific statement on knees going into skills as follows:
Please note: On all dynamic elements the tops have the option to bend or not bend their knees going into skills. The technique is left up to the coaches
2.)  Review Minutes from November Judges meeting attached above.
 I have again attached the minutes from the judge meeting held in November.  These were sent out Nov 24.- PLEASE LOOK AT THEM!!  There are several items discussed that will impact marks and the changes that the US had made to its routines from the previous rules were identified.
Also in these minutes, I included the marks for a 2013 US competition and the links for the videos.  Please take the time to review at least a few of them.  This will greatly assist us is setting appropriate mark ranges for our athletes.

3.)  FIG has added a Technical Deduction Table in its December 2014 Newsletter.  This actually shows ideal positions and  deductions that should be taken for mistakes for various element.  PLEASE DOWNLOAD and print (this was a December newsletter and therefore not listed in the munites attached)  The link is
Posted in Member Clubs