While many clubs already utilize the Canadian Tire Jumpstart Foundation to fund select gymnasts, we want to make you aware of your ability to become a Jumpstart Community Development Partner.
Applications open January 15th, 2016. You can apply HERE. Apply early to help ensure maximum funding. If you have any application issues, please email jumpstart_admin@cantire.com.
As a Community Development Partner, your club commits to developing a five-week daytime program that brings a local school group into your facility for basic instruction. The Jumpstart Foundation funds children who cannot afford the program up to 100%. This program is known as the “Gymnastics Advantage” as it affords children, who may otherwise never set foot in a gym, all of the advantages of our sport.
Based on your Community Development Partner Application and the Jumpstart funds available in your area, Jumpstart will hold a lump sum of funding for your program. Funds will then be parceled out based on the amount of children who require financial assistance (identified by the school). Past students have been funded up to 100% of registration fees.
Once you’ve applied, please notify marketing@gymnasticsontario.ca and we will provide further information and lend our support.
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