Live stream the 2016 Level 3-5 Women’s Artistic Gymnastics Ontario Championships here Thursday, June, 9th-Sunday, June 12th! Simply click on the video you are looking for & watch via YouTube. Thank you to Wee Streem for covering the event!
Each “stream” or video, covers one apparatus. Look for your athlete’s age/category and follow them through the Olympic order: vault, bars, beam, floor. (Ex/ If your athlete begins on beam, the order would be: beam, floor, vault, bars.)
Sunday, June, 12th, 2016
Level 3 Age 9A/B (8:30am-11:00am*)
Level 3 Age 9C/10A (11:45am-2:15pm*)
Level 3 Age 10 B/C (3:00pm-5:30pm*)
*Session times susceptible to change