Gym For All

Ontario Gymnastics Week Social Media Challenges


Use the hashtag #ONGymWeekChallenge AND tag @gymnasticsontario when posting for Ontario Gymnastics Week’s
7 days of social media challenges!


Let’s spread our love of gymnastics far and wide!



*Schedule is of suggested posting days; clubs may record in advance and post on any day within Ontario Gymnastics Week that suits the club.

Post a photo/video…


SATURDAY (FEB 8): …for Skill Swap Saturday! Athletes try a skill (or skills) from a different discipline! Trade skills with an athlete from another discipline in the same gym or choose a discipline from outside of your home gym!

SUNDAY (FEB 9): …sharing some Gymnastics Gratitude! Athletes and coaches can share stories of what/who has inspired them and why! Inspiration can come from anywhere – a coach, teammate, or even someone outside of the gym!

MONDAY (FEB 10): …for Memory Monday! Share favourite memories from your athletes and coaches!

TUESDAY (FEB 11): …of a Gymnastics Dance Party! Create a short dance routine that incorporates gymnastics movements.
(Need help? Use the G.O. Mass Routine!)

WEDNESDAY (FEB 12): …sharing how you Adapt Gymnastics! Share adaptive practices or modifications you’ve made in your gym to promote inclusion and participation!

THURSDAY (FEB 13): …Celebrating Gymnastics Progress over time! This could be of a coach, athlete, skill, team, etc! Let’s celebrate the journey!

FRIDAY (FEB 14): …for Friendship Friday! Highlight the amazing friendships created in the gym!
(Want to do this one on Tuesday? Call it Twinning Tuesday! and highlight athletes in matching outfits!)



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