Ontario RG Athletes Dominate at Elite Canada

Katherine Uchida (2), Carmen Whelan (1), Athena Tsaltas (3) (Photo Credit: GCG)

This past weekend athletes competed at the 2017 Elite Canada in Markham, Ontario at the Markham Pan Am Centre.

Elite Canada brings together the  top athletes from across Canada from the novice, junior and senior categories.

Elite Canada is one of the primary meets at which national team status is determined. Gymnasts seek qualification for High Performance Status, which gives them the right to compete at Canadian Championships and be eligible to be considered for national teams and potential international assignments.



Ontario athletes took to the competition by storm taking podium in all 3 categories.

Carmen Whelan (Photo Credit: GCG)

Veranika Trublina (Viva RGC)  Christina Savchenko (Jusco RGC)  and Cynthia Zhang (Kanata RGC)  won All Around gold, silver and bronze accordingly in Novice category. In junior All Around competition, Natalie Garcia (Mississauga Newnorth) finished on top of the podium followed by Michelle Vivier (Viva RG) in second place, and Sophie Crane (Jusco RGC) in third. Ontario senior athletes also put on an amazing performance, Carmen Whelan (Silhouettes of York) ended up taking gold in all four apparatus to finish the competition on the top of the All Around podium as well. Katherine Uchida (Jusco RGC) and Carmel Kallemaa (Kalev Estienne) tied silver and Athena Tsaltas (Salut RG) took bronze in Senior All Around competition.


Michel Vivier (2), Natalie Garcia (1), Sophie Crane (3) (Photo Credit: GCG)

Congratulations on all the athletes and coaches for their fantastic performances and successes!


For a complete apparatus and all around ranking please click here.


Photos from Gymnastics Canada’s website.

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