RG Training Camps 2018 – Provincial and National


This past weekend, Gymnastics Ontario held RG training camps for both Provincial and National levels.  Participants at both camps had the amazing opportunity to work on their apparatus technique with Bulgarian coach, Savina Gancheva!


Thank you to all of our clinicians and participating clubs for making these camps so successful, and to Olympium Rhythmic Gymnastics Club for hosting us!



RG Provincial Training Camp:

November 10, 2018 – 67 athletes, 19 coaches, 4 clinicians!

2018 RG Prov Training Camp

Apparatus technique: Savina Gancheva

Body difficulty technique: Stefka Moutafchieva and Sophie Crane (current Canadian Champion)

Body movement and waves: Alla Kosheleva

Artistry and dance steps: Ludmila Tolkacheva


RG National Training Camp:

November 11, 2018 – 46 athletes, 21 coaches, 5 clinicians!

2018 RG Nat Training Camp

Apparatus technique: Savina Gancheva

Body difficulty technique: Stefka Moutafchieva and Katherine Uchida (silver medalist at 2018 Canadian Championships)

Routine feedback from Ontario’s FIG Brevet judges: Polina Tzankova, Svetlana Joukova, and Tatsiana Kastenkava


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