Safe Sport Policies

Gymnastics Ontario has developed Safe Sport Policies, which serve as an overarching guide for our vision of and commitment to Safe Sport and the corresponding policy, education, and advocacy initiatives that strive to further strengthen the administration and delivery of our programs, events, and services. With these policies, Gymnastics Ontario will collaborate with our Member Clubs to ensure a respectful and welcoming environment where all participants may find joy.


Click on a Safe Sport topic below to see Gymnastics Ontario’s policies.

Gymnastics Ontario Safe Sport Policies

Abuse Prevention

Abuse Policy – Gymnastics Ontario is committed to a sport environment free from abuse. The purpose of this Policy is to stress the importance of that commitment by educating Individuals about abuse, outlining how Gymnastics Ontario will work to prevent abuse, and how abuse or suspected abuse can be reported to and addressed by Gymnastics Ontario.


Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy – The purpose of Gymnastics Ontario’s Code is to ensure a safe and positive environment (within Gymnastics Ontario and its Member Clubs’ programs, activities, and events) by informing Individuals that there is an expectation, at all times, of appropriate behaviour consistent with Gymnastics Ontario’s core values. Gymnastics Ontario supports equal opportunity, prohibits discriminatory practices, and is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and fairness. Gymnastics Ontario has attempted to align this policy with the Universal Code below.


Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS) – The purpose of this Code is to create a harmonized set of rules for federally-funded sport organizations. Gymnastics Ontario has attempted to align our standards for behaviour to this national conduct standard and is reflected in Gymnastics Ontario’s Code of Conduct. This Code advances a respectful sport culture that delivers quality, inclusive, accessible, welcoming and safe sport experiences.


Social Media Policy – Gymnastics Ontario is aware that Individual interaction and communication occurs frequently on social media. Gymnastics Ontario cautions Individuals that any conduct falling short of the standard of behaviour required by Gymnastics Ontario’s Code of Conduct and Ethics will be subject to the disciplinary sanctions identified within Gymnastics Ontario’s Discipline and Complaints Policy.

Equity & Inclusion

Inclusion Policy – Gymnastics Ontario believes that all individuals deserve respectful and inclusive environments for participation that value the individual’s gender identity and gender expression. Gymnastics Ontario wants to ensure that all participants have access to programming and facilities in which they feel comfortable and safe. Gymnastics Ontario is committed to implementing this policy in a fair and equitable manner.


Social Media Policy – Gymnastics Ontario is aware that Individual interaction and communication occurs frequently on social media. Gymnastics Ontario cautions Individuals that any conduct falling short of the standard of behaviour required by Gymnastics Ontario’s Code of Conduct and Ethics will be subject to the disciplinary sanctions identified within Gymnastics Ontario’s Discipline and Complaints Policy.

Health & Wellness

Anti-Doping Policy – Gymnastics Ontario is committed to clean sport in Canada and endorses the 2015 Canadian Anti-Doping Program and the World Anti-Doping Code. The purpose of this policy is to confirm that Gymnastics Ontario has adopted the 2015 CADP as its primary domestic anti-doping policy.


Concussion Policy – Gymnastics Ontario has the responsibility to ensure a safe environment for participants. This means having policies, rules, regulations, standards and guidelines that promote safe programs in a safe environment, overseen by qualified/certified personnel. The main purpose of the following concussion guidelines is to increase safety awareness in making good decisions regarding gymnastics participation.


Social Media Policy – Gymnastics Ontario is aware that Individual interaction and communication occurs frequently on social media. Gymnastics Ontario cautions Individuals that any conduct falling short of the standard of behaviour required by Gymnastics Ontario’s Code of Conduct and Ethics will be subject to the disciplinary sanctions identified within Gymnastics Ontario’s Discipline and Complaints Policy.

Risk Management

Coaching Requirements – This summarizes Gymnastics Ontario’s minimum requirements for coaches to participate in member club activities, including training sessions in gyms and attendance at all competitions.


Required Adult on Site – Gymnastics Ontario requires that all member clubs have a legal adult (age +18) on site at all times. This adult must have completed the Respect in Sport and have their current first aid certificate. Gymnastics Ontario strongly recommends for good practice that all member clubs have a second adult (age +18) on site at all times.


Screening Policy – Gymnastics Ontario understands that screening personnel and volunteers is a vital part of providing a safe sporting environment and has become a common practice among sport organizations that provide programs and services to the community. This policy outlines the requirements.


Social Media Policy – Gymnastics Ontario is aware that Individual interaction and communication occurs frequently on social media. Gymnastics Ontario cautions Individuals that any conduct falling short of the standard of behaviour required by Gymnastics Ontario’s Code of Conduct and Ethics will be subject to the disciplinary sanctions identified within Gymnastics Ontario’s Discipline and Complaints Policy.

Reporting Complaint

Gymnastics Ontario Reporting – Any individual may report an incident or complaint to Gymnastics Ontario’s Chief Executive Officer in writing.


Appeal Policy – Gymnastics Ontario is committed to providing an environment in which all Individuals involved with Gymnastics Ontario are treated with respect and fairness. Gymnastics Ontario provides Individuals with this Appeal Policy to enable fair, affordable, and expedient appeals of certain decisions made by Gymnastics Ontario. Further, some decisions made by the process outlined in Gymnastics Ontario’s Discipline and Complaints Policy may be appealed under this Policy.


Discipline and Complaints Policy – Individuals are expected to fulfill certain responsibilities and obligations including, but not limited to, complying with Gymnastics Ontario’s policies, Bylaws, rules and regulations, and Code of Conduct and Ethics. Non-compliance may result in sanctions pursuant to this Policy.


Dispute Resolution Policy – Gymnastics Ontario supports the principles of Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) and is committed to the techniques of negotiation, facilitation, and mediation as effective ways to resolve disputes. Alternate Dispute Resolution also avoids the uncertainty, costs, and other negative effects associated with lengthy appeals or complaints, or with litigation.


Investigations Policy – This Policy describes how Gymnastics Ontario may investigate reports and/or complaints.

Resources & Education

Social Media Policy – Gymnastics Ontario is aware that Individual interaction and communication occurs frequently on social media. Gymnastics Ontario cautions Individuals that any conduct falling short of the standard of behaviour required by Gymnastics Ontario’s Code of Conduct and Ethics will be subject to the disciplinary sanctions identified within Gymnastics Ontario’s Discipline and Complaints Policy.