All Clubs,
In this ever changing world of regulations for clubs in the impacted regions now in Stage 2, I want to update you on the recent amendments to Ontario Regulation 263/20.
Based on recent communications from the Government of Ontario we are updating our understanding and interpretation of the rules and are notifying our member clubs that Recreational and Competitive Programs may operate subject to Section 13 of Ontario Regulation 263/20 | Consolidation Period: From October 19, 2020.
- (1) Subject to subsections (2) to (5), facilities for indoor sports and recreational fitness activities, including gymnasiums, health clubs, community centres, multi-purpose facilities, arenas, exercise studios, yoga and dance studios and other fitness facilities, may open if they comply with the following conditions:
- Any areas containing weights or exercise machines must be closed.
- The total number of members of the public permitted to be at the facility in a class, organized program or organized activity at any one time must be limited to the number that can maintain a physical distance of at least two metres from other persons at the facility, and in any event cannot exceed 10 people.
- Each class, organized program or organized activity must take place in a separate room.
- No spectators are permitted.
- Any person who enters or uses the facility must maintain a physical distance of at least two metres from any other person who is using the facility.
What is not permitted as per Gymnastics Ontario are the following activities for clubs in regions that are now in Stage 2;
- NO Drop-ins
- NO Trial Classes / Promotional Visitor
- NO Birthday Parties (not registered members)
We realize that the maximum number of people permitted in the facility is still a huge barrier that penalizes our sport since we are simply in one large room. We will continue to inform the Province of Ontario on its impact to our member clubs of allowing only 10 people in a facility regardless of its size. We will bring to their attention our previously accepted protocols of 1 person per 144 square feet within the training space.
Lastly, we are working on your behalf and before a communication is sent I must make sure that the information is current, accurate and as timely as we can possibly make it. We are in continual conversations with the government, and while we appreciate letter or email writing from clubs to MPP’s, please be reminded that this needs to be done in a respectful manner. Do not use terminology that is threatening or demanding because we are trying to work in partnership with the Province of Ontario and this type of communication will only hurt all of us.
Dave Sandford