Update 13 – Gymnastics Ontario | COVID-19 Response Framework as of November 20

All Clubs,


I am writing to inform you about the recent changes to the COVID-19 Response Framework: Keeping Ontario Safe and Open – Lockdown Measures (use link or see attached document) that were announced a short while ago by the Province of Ontario. There are changes to each Measure in Prevent, Protect, Restrict, Control and Lockdown; please read through them carefully to ensure that you are in compliance with the correct protocols.

Please read the Ontario News Release for information on how these changes may affect your business and operations. Listed in the Ontario News Release are the public health unit regions that will move from their current level in the Framework to their new level.

These changes are to take effect as of Monday November 23, 2020 at 12:01 am.

I will send a follow up communication once I have had an opportunity to review what we have just received. I know for our member clubs in Toronto and Peel that this news is gut wrenching, and I share that uneasiness.

Take care, stay strong and hang in there everyone!




Dave Sandford | Chief Executive Officer
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