We once again find ourselves in another provincewide shutdown, but not because of the amazing work our clubs have done since we were able to resume our operations in June.
You will find attached the following document for your review; Provincewide Shutdown | December 21, 2020. All clubs will need to pay attention to page 8 where it states the following;
Day Camps for Children: Closed
I know some of you were considering to offer Day Camps, but these will only be permissible until Thursday December 24.
I feel your anxiety, and I know what each and everyone of you are going through. Over the next week or so I would encourage you to briefly disconnect from social media, the news and work in order to have some personal downtime during the Christmas Break through to New Year’s Day.
The restrictions are in effect for all of Ontario from Saturday, December 26, 2020 to Saturday, January 9, 2021.
The restrictions would remain in effect from Saturday, January 9, 2021 to Saturday, January 23, 2021 for all 27
public health unit regions in Southern Ontario (refer to Appendix A in attached).
I will send another email with information on the Province of Ontario’s Grants for Small Businesses that was also announced this afternoon.
Dave Sandford
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