Update #24 – Proof of Vaccination and Capacity Limits

Proof of vaccination requirements lifted as of March 1, 2022.  As public health indicators continue to improve, the following measures will come into effect as of March 1, 2022, for all participants, spectators, volunteers and staff at Gymnastics Ontario Sanctioned Events


  • Proof of vaccination requirements are lifted
  • Mask requirements remain in place
  • Passive screening for each individual who enters the facility


Please note that Host Clubs for GO sanctioned competitions, events or training camps will be required to follow the provincial guidelines as listed above. For greater certainty, at these sanctioned activities the Host Club may not ask for proof of vaccination.


Member Clubs may implement their own requirements for proof of vaccination for their own day to day operations for their Club’s programs.


It is also important to note that Host Clubs for GO sanctioned competitions, events or training camps may impose their own capacity limits. Each Member Club’s floorplan will vary, so to ensure a safe environment for participants, coaches, judges, staff, volunteers and parents they are able to establish their own capacity limits at these sanctioned activities.


Member Clubs may implement their own requirements for capacity limits for their own day to day operations for their Club’s programs.


Posted in ACRO & AERO News, COVID-2019 Updates, Home Page Panes, MAG News, Member Clubs, NCCP Updates, WAG News