UPDATE 3 | Sanctioned Events CANCELLED to June 30

All Clubs,

Due to the recent announcement by the Province of Ontario to continue the closure of all schools through to May 4, and the extended closure of all non-essential businesses due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation we have made the decision to CANCEL all Gymnastics Ontario sanctioned competitions through to June 30, 2020.

Furthermore, all National Coaching Certification Courses (NCCP) are cancelled through to Sunday May 31, 2020.

To all of the athletes, coaches, athlete’s families, judges, volunteers, clubs and the many supporters of gymnastics I know how disappointing this news will be. I know how hard everyone has trained to compete in our many disciplines so I can only encourage you to stay healthy, follow the recommended guidelines to limit the spread of COVID-19, and do you your best to stay ready both physically and mentally when we are all able to back into our gyms.


Dave Sandford | Chief Executive Officer

Posted in ACRO & AERO News, Coaching Updates, COVID-2019 Updates, Gym 4 All News, Home Page Panes, MAG News, RG News, TRA News, WAG News