To ensure these first actions to reopen the Province of Ontario are a success, and more specifically Gymnastics in Ontario; it will be critical that we follow the guidelines. We are all in this together. We all share a responsibility to stay informed, be prepared, be flexible and follow these measures throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We must also hold ourselves to a higher level of accountability and responsibility since we work with children. Each club can make the first stage of restarting Gymnastics in Ontario a success by following the MANDATORY protocols listed below as a minimum standard in alignment with the Province of Ontario’s guidelines.
i) Clubs are not permitted to begin scheduled COMPETITIVE training until FRIDAY MAY 29 at the earliest, without exception (clubs may choose to open later to prepare their protocols to ensure compliance)
ii) Clubs will be required to login to Uplifter to accept the mandatory protocols listed here, an email communicating how this will be done shall be sent to all clubs on Tuesday May 19
iii) Inform coaches, administrators, members, parents/guardians and participants of new protocols through email, club website, member receipts, in house telephone communications
iv) Use a declaration form to be executed by all people attending your facility to declare their understanding of COVID as well as their responsibility to self regulate (GO will prepare a declaration form for release to clubs next week)
v) Post Government of Ontario approved handwashing and physical distancing protocols in high traffic areas (e.g. main entrance door, bathrooms)
vi) Ensure participants and their families are aware (at least through signs) that they may not enter the facility if either they or a household member has had onset of illness with symptoms compatible with suspected or lab-confirmed COVID-19 in the prior 14 days
vii) Ensure physical distancing requirements are met
viii) Ensure respiratory etiquette is followed by advising individuals to cough or sneeze into one’s arm or a tissue
ix) Clean/sanitize gymnastics equipment between classes, where possible, and at the end of the day
x) Once classes are over for the day and all athletes have left all surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected (mats, floors, counters, bathrooms); this needs to be done over and above cleaning the equipment between uses
xi) Prior to coming to work (daily), staff should be required to screen via self-assessment tool (see document emailed to clubs on May 14), report to their designated supervisor to determine if either they or a household member has had onset of illness with symptoms compatible with suspected or lab-confirmed COVID-19 in the prior 14 days; a log to record the self-assessment should be kept
xii) Hands free coaching (no spotting) for competitive programs – i.e. modify training needs to ensure athletes are only doing safe skills, not learning new skills which might require spotting, unless required to prevent injury (this protocol will be in effect until June 30, GO will communicate any updates to this protocol near the end of June)
xiii) Adhere to maximum numbers in the facility and training area as directed by the Province of Ontario (GO has established this parameter which must also include coaches when you calculate for your club, do NOT exceed capacity (one participant per 144 square feet or 13.378 metres in the training area: e.g. floor is 1,600 square feet, maximum on the floor is 11)
xiv) Eliminate pit usage for competitive programs – cover pit with landing mats (this protocol will be in effect until June 30, GO will communicate any updates to this protocol near the end of June )
Each of the above fourteen protocols are MANDATORY; all clubs must login to their Uplifter account to accept these protocols. All other recommendations in the Gymnastics Ontario – Opening Protocols (see document emailed to clubs on May 14) should be adopted and implemented where applicable to ensure the safety and well being of our athletes, their families, coaches, administrators and the sport of gymnastics. We need to exceed in our reopening standards for the safety of everyone, your cooperation on this expectation is of the utmost importance.