UPDATE 5 | Stage 2 – Reopening Amendments

This message will contain some amendments to the Stage 1 – Reopening Protocols that were put in place for June 2020. We all share a responsibility to stay informed, be prepared, be flexible and follow these measures throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We must also hold ourselves to a higher level of accountability and responsibility since we work with children, without exception.

  1. Clubs may now hold tryouts for their competitive programs, but you MUST follow all of the Gymnastics Ontario and Province of Ontario guidelines that have been sent to you. This includes NO SPOTTING, unless required to save an athlete from an injury.
  2. Clubs with a foam cube pit and/or resi-pit may use them for COMPETITIVE ONLY, but on a limited basis since your challenge will be cleaning the equipment. A foam cube pit and/or resi-pit CANNOT be used in any of your Recreational Programs, Summer Camp, and etcetera, until further notice. This activity could be available for Recreational Programs when Ontario moves to Stage 3, but I will update you when this occurs.
    1. Note: upon landing in a pit we know the foam particles can land in an athlete’s eyes, nose and or mouth. Instinct will be to immediately want to remove the pieces, but we also know that participants should avoid touching these parts of their face with their hands due to COVID-19. One possible suggestion to resolve this concern is to have an athlete use a thin yoga mat/sting mat that can be placed in their landing area of the pit for them to land onto to minimize the particles falling onto their face. You would need to frequently wipe down the mat. Or, you can have hand sanitizer readily available by the pit area for an athlete to sanitize their hands first before touching their face. These are just suggestions, but you need to consider and/or implement a protocol to address this training issue.
  3. Private Lessons are permitted, but you MUST follow all of the Gymnastics Ontario and Province of Ontario guidelines that have been sent to you. This includes NO SPOTTING, unless required to save an athlete from an injury.
    1. As a reminder, we strongly recommend for good practice that all member clubs have a second adult (age 18+) on site at all times. This second adult does not have to have any NCCP, Respect in Sport or first aid certification.
  4. Birthday Parties are NOT permitted.
    1. In Stage 2, as per the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, Section 13, Subsection (6) 1. The only persons permitted to use the facility are, ii. members or clients of the business or organization. Birthday Party attendees are not registered members of Gymnastics Ontario, other then the birthday child in most instances. You would have to register each child attending the birthday party as a Recreational Athlete at a cost of $20.60 plus HST. This activity could be available when Ontario moves to Stage 3, but I will update you when this occurs.
  5. A reminder of my email sent to all clubs on June 25 about NO SPOTTING.
    1. As per the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act order under subsection 7.0.2 (4) of the Act – Stage 2 Closures it states the following in Section 13, Subsections 1 and 2;
  1.          Any person who enters or uses the facility must maintain a physical distance of at least two metres from any other person who is using the facility.
  2.        Activities that are likely to result in individuals coming within two metres of each other must not be practised or played within the facility.
    1. Therefore, NO SPOTTING is currently permitted in any COMPETITIVE and or SUMMER DAY CAMP, and RECREATIONAL programs in Stage 2.
  1. No non-members may use your facility for training purposes as per the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, Section 13, Subsection (6) 1. The only persons permitted to use the facility are, ii. members or clients of the business or organization.
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