UPDATE 1 | COVID-19 & Sanctioned Events

At Gymnastics Ontario, the health and safety of gymnasts, their families, coaches, judges and volunteers are of the utmost importance. In light of the recent developments with the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we have made the decision to cancel and or postpone all Gymnastics Ontario sanctioned competitions, at least through to April 5, 2020.

Currently, all National Coaching Certification Courses (NCCP) at this time are still being offered.

We are working with the host club of the WAG Level 7-10 & MAG Championships to possibly reschedule this competition to a later date.

We also know that some of the cancelled events are also qualifiers in some disciplines for their respective Championships. The staff along with the Technical Committees will review their qualifying rules and communicate those at a later date.

We will determine the status of all competitions scheduled after April 6, 2020 at a later date as we monitor this situation.

At this moment we are not suspending gymnastics training for our recreational and competitive programs with our member clubs, this decision can be made by each individual club as they see fit based on their own review of this situation. However, we are recommending to our member clubs the following enhanced protocols be put in place to ensure the health and safety of all of our members if they do decide to run their programs;

  • That additional focus is placed on high use surfaces and areas by disinfecting those surfaces, door handles and railings during class turnovers by staff
  • A reminder for all individuals to stay home if they are not feeling well
  • Asking staff to wash their hands before and after every class
  • A reminder to everyone to cover both their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing; try to cough into your arm, away from others, or into tissue paper (to be disposed into toilet), then wash your hands immediately afterwards
  • Reminding all participants that they do not share water bottles
  • Reminding all participants to wash their hands upon arrival to the gym and at the conclusion of their class
  • Asking parents to minimize their time in the viewing area and to avoid bringing siblings who are not participating in a gymnastics class to the facility
  • Asking participants, coaches, administrative staff, judges, volunteers and supporters to self isolate if they or a member of their immediate family travels anywhere outside of Canada (including USA) for the immediate near future until these recommendations are relaxed by the Province of Ontario

The risk is still considered to be very low for contracting COVID-19 in Ontario. We know that this a personal decision each family will have to make on what they think is best for their child when choosing to participate in extra-curricular activities at this moment in time, which I completely understand and respect. The Gymnastics Ontario Board of Directors and staff will continue to monitor the situation and communicate with our members as the need arises so please check your email regularly.

I appreciate your attentiveness to this matter and your help in keeping our community healthy.

Posted in ACRO & AERO News, COVID-2019 Updates, Gym 4 All News, Home Page Panes, MAG News, RG News, TRA News, WAG News