Gymnastics: a Foundation Sport
Gymnastics is recognized by the International Olympic Committee as a Foundation Sport. Participation in gymnastics develops fundamental movement skills, physical and motor abilities, mental abilities, social and emotional abilities and performance skills that carry over into all aspects of life.
Gymnastics is the perfect activity for the development of physical literacy, the benefits of which go far beyond sport participation.
“Physical literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge,
and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life”
-UNESCO Ratified Definition (2015)
Whether you continue with gymnastics participation long-term or transfer to another sport, the foundations learned in gymnastics will enable you to live a healthy, active lifestyle, and enjoy a variety of movement activities. Gymnastics is for life!
That’s why we believe “Sport Starts Here”
Want more information?
Physical literacy: visit the Sport For Life and Active For Life websites
Gymnastics Ontario For Parents
More on The Benefits of Gymnastics
Gymnastics Ontario continues to support Gymnastics Canada’s participation-based philosophy of fun, fitness, and fundamentals.
“We must ensure that our programs can meet the particular developmental needs of ALL gymnasts. We must ensure that all participants have FUN with gymnastics, gain FITNESS through gymnastics, and learn sound FUNDAMENTALS of gymnastics, regardless of age, ability or level of performance.”
-Gymnastics Canada Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD)
Long Term Athlete Development – The Ultimate Human Movement Experience
The Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) framework, originally developed by Sport for Life, has been adapted by Gymnastics Canada to relate specifically to the sport of gymnastics. Long term development applies to all levels of participants and in all gymnastics disciplines.